February 28, 2009

The Past Comes Alive at the Society on March 28 With Mary Pickersgill The Flag Lady

The past will come back to life during a fascinating living history performance at the Society on March 28 at 7:00 p.m. For this theatrical, living history presentation, University of Delaware History major, Abby Harding, returns for another popular performance. Abby was last with us in Feb 2008 when she played to a packed house, appearing as Tillie Pierce a young witnessed to the battle of Gettysburg.

This year she performs as Mary Pickersgill, the well known 19Th century flag maker. While she was especially known for her ship’s flags, during the War of 1812 she was selected to make a huge high-flying flag for Fort McHenry. The commander, General Armistead, knew that this would help raise the spirits of Baltimoreans during the British attack on the city for Fort McHenry.

You don’t want to miss her performance and interpretation of Mary Pickersgill for this year’s living history show. This is a free program.

Click here to go to the program brochure